original meditation technique
for modern life

What is Vedic meditation?

Vedic meditation is a mental technique done sitting comfortably with the eyes closed. The meditation process allows the mind to settle and the body to rest. Twenty minutes of meditation clears the mind while also alleviating tension, stress and fatigue. Although Vedic meditation comes from India, it doesn´t demand any changes in our lifestyle. Meditation enriches our life with energy and clarity regardless of how we choose to live.

Rest anywhere

Vedic meditation is open to everyone. It does not require any special place or equipment. The only thing needed is 15-20 minutes of time. The specifics of our environment are no obstacle to meditation. We can enjoy our daily practice on public transport on our way to work, on a plane when on business trip, in the office or in a doctor´s waiting room. Or simply on the couch in our living room or any comfortable spot at home.

No need to be a recluse

There is no need to retreat to an ashram in order to meditate. After the course and a few days of practice, you will be proficient in using the technique successfully on your own. It will give you a very practical and useful tool for your daily life. Vedic meditation is suitable to men and women, people of all religious backgrounds, for those who are fit as well as for those with a health problem. Meditation is also very beneficial for pregnant women.


I am very happy that I could learn this meditation technique. I benefit from it every day. It is different each day and that is what i enjoy about it. I feel safe in meditation and feel that this inner safety is radiating outwards into my daily life. I feel a great relief.

— Iva F., state administration officer —

Vedic meditation is an easy method to cleanse and quiet your mind which came to me via Tereza. To have some space and time for one self these days is so crucial. Maybe even more today than thousands of years ago when the technique was cognised.

— Pavel O., photographer —


Tereza Böhmová

My name is Tereza, I am a Vedic meditation teacher.

I studied at the Faculty of Arts at the Charles University in Prague and then worked in several international law firms as an office manager and later a Central European human resources manager.

My years-long passion for yoga brought me to Australia where I met Tim Mitchell who taught me the Vedic meditation technique. I was so delighted with the ease, gentleness and efficiency of this technique that in 2009 I decided to invite Tim to Prague and offer the first Vedic meditation course in the Czech Republic.

I then trained with Tim for many years to become a teacher myself and in 2015 I became the first Vedic meditation teacher in the Czech Republic. Vedic meditation brought a great clarity to my life. Everything which was no longer sustainable left without much effort and great many new opportunities, people and activites appeared.

Vedic Meditation has been an enourmous support in my life. It sustained me when I had a young baby and was experiencing extreme sleep deprivation and exhaustion. Vedic Meditation is my source of insight, empathy, tolerance and patience.

I enjoy sharing such a practical, easy and effective tool with others. I trully believe that if we want to be there for others we first need to look well after ourselves.

In 2023, I attended the International meeting of Vedic Meditation Teachers in Rishikesh, India and to this day, I am the only Czech teacher listed on the list of recommended teachers by Thom Knoles, the most reknown teacher of this technique in the West.


Meditation is exactly as you said it would be. I had no idea it could work like that.

— Klára Š., CFO —

I feel better, I really enjoy my time with children and the peace is felt throughout our family. I don´t get upset so easily and I have a better relationship with members of our wider family.

— Lenka B., special needs teacher —

Why did I begin to meditate? Personal troubles and high blood pressure. Three years of meditation have helped me both physicaly and emotinaly. I found peace with what my life has brought and I became considerably more serene. Blood pressure and other health problems got back to normal and I do not need to take medication anymore.

— Jan P.,  IT specialist —


How the course works

You will learn to meditate in a course which takes place in the wonderful premises of INEP in Prague (see the photos below). The course runs over four consecutive days from Thursday to Sunday. The Vedic meditation technique honours that each of us is unique, therefore a part of the first lesson is always done one to one. The following three lectures take place in a small group, each session lasting about two hours.

Anyone who has taken a Vedic meditation course anywhere in the world is welcome to join our regular group meditations. They are held once a month, providing an opportunity to check about anything which might be unclear in your meditation practice. I offer a lifetime guarantee for the technique. If you have any doubts and cannot join the group meditation, it does not matter – just email or call me anytime.

The course fee

There is no fixed course fee. The Vedic meditation tradition considers important that the value of the course be the same for all students. As the only commodity truly equal for everyone is time, the original way to pay for the teaching was to offer a week of one´s time to the teacher and work for him.  This system would probably not work so well these days.

Therefore, everybody works his or her course fee out for themselves. The recommended way is to calculate one week´s income. The minimum course fee required is CZK 6,000. If finances are the only obstacle to you learning, please contact me so that we can find a way to make it work.

Time to think

Vedic meditation technique has been passed down in an oral tradition for millennia. I honour that tradition and I offer a free introductory talk before every course. I will explain how and why Vedic meditation technique works, what is it good for and how to learn. The introductory talk is there for you to clarify if Vedic meditation is what you have been looking for.

I recommend attending the intro talk even for those who have already decided to take a course. The intro serves as a preparatory lesson and the course content builds upon it. The talk is free of charge and does not oblige you to anything. You only need to book your place.

The Intro talks and courses scheduled are usually all taught in Czech. I enjoy teaching in English and am happy to conduct a course if there is a group of five English speakers minimum. I also offer private one on one tuition in Enlish.

Interview with Tereza about the benefits of Vedic meditation

Learn to meditate